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지구에 나타난 우주선 구름들 - 혹시 UFO?…거대 ‘렌즈구름’ 포착

- 지구에 나타난 우주선 구름들

UFO?거대 렌즈구름포착

2011-06-29 00:14 작성 

 아일랜드에서 초대형 ‘UFO 구름이 포착돼 관심을 끌고 있습니다.

27일 아일랜드 매체 "더 저널"에 따르면 지난 주말에 아일랜드 남동부 위클로 주와 킬데어 주 사이에 있는 지점의 어느 하늘에서 독특한 형태의 놀라운 구름이 발견됐습니다.

사진을 보면, 이 구름은 마치 하얗고 커다란 비행접시가 상공을 선회하는 것처럼 보이지만, 사실 렌즈구름이라고 불리는 구름의 한 형태입니다.

이 구름은 높은 고도에서 풍향에 직각으로 정렬하고 있으며, 렌즈 모양이 움직이지 않습니다. 태양이라도 렌즈구름 뒤에 숨어 있다면 영락없이 UFO 모양을 하고 있어 UFO 구름이라고도 불린답니다.

렌즈구름은 고적운의 일종으로 기상학적으로 렌즈고적운’(altocumulus lenticularis)이라고 불리는데, 공기층이 흘러가다가 중간에 마주친 언덕이나 산비탈을 타고 올라갈 때 생성되는 것으로 알려졌습니다.

한편 UFO를 닮은 렌즈구름은 아일랜드 이외에도 과거 러시아와 인도네시아, 멕시코 등에서도 포착돼 주목을 받은 바 있습니다.

Nuages stratosphériques polaires

Ils ne se forment qu’au niveau des cercles polaires, en hiver. Ces nuages sont impliqués dans la formation des trous d’ozone.

Altocumulus lenticularis

Fascinating and Beautiful Clouds!

A Guide to Beautiful Clouds 

Clouds are more than a scientific subject or simply related to the weather, they have inspired us through the ages in art and literature, they are used as a metaphor for happiness, for misery and for dreaming. They can entertain us with their shapes. Clouds can be many contradictory things; mysterious, beautiful, comical, annoying, frightening and awe-inspiring.What can be a more peaceful pastime than cloud spotting, watching clouds drift across the sky, changing shapes! We will look at the formation and science of clouds, so you can identify the 10 main types of cloud from the fluffy Cumulus to the bizarre Lenticular cloud. This guide to clouds will inspire you to look up and to love our spectacular skies!

Photo credit: *JRFoto*, on Flickr

Contents at a Glance

1. The Most Famous Cloud Poem Ever!

2. Nephology - the Physics of Clouds

3. Vertical Clouds

4. Low Clouds

5. Middle Clouds

6. High Level Clouds

7. Strange Clouds....

8. Clouds by Christina Rossetti

9. Cloud Surfing

10. Cloud Wisdom!

11. Making a Cloud in a Bottle

12. The Cloud by Percy Bysshe Shelley

13. Great Websites about Clouds

14. Cloud Books/DVDs to Buy!

16. Cloud Quote!

17. Clouds in the Blogosphere!

18. If You Love Clouds - Please Give This Pa...

19. What Do You Think About Clouds?

The Most Famous Cloud Poem Ever!

"I wandered as lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o'er vales and hills"Daffodils by William Wordsworth

Nephology - the Physics of Clouds

How Clouds Are Made

Before we look at the various types of cloud, let's begin with how clouds are formed. Clouds are a combination of water vapour or ice crystals and microscopic dust particles that are found in rising warm air. These billions of tiny droplets of water or ice are so light they float in the Earth's Troposphere - causing the clouds you see everyday.

In 1802 Luke Howard, a British amateur meteorologist, presented a paper called "On the Modification of Clouds", a system in which clouds should be classified. This system is still used to this day and divides clouds into two categories, layered and convective, which indicates at what altitude they can be found and the processes that form them.

Layered cloud - these have a flattened appearance and not much vertical height.

Convective cloud - are clouds produced by pockets of warm air thermals rising directly from the surface below.

Each cloud belongs to a family (genus): high, medium, low and vertical. Within each family there are species for clouds which distinguishes their appearances and varieties.Clouds are measured at their base height rather than from the top of the cloud.

Cloud chart from jmmcdgll at Flickr Creative Commons

Vertical Clouds

Identifying Cumulus, Cumulonimbus and Supercell Clouds 

Fair Weather Cumulus Clouds by Nicholas T at Flickr Creative Commons

Cumulus CloudsAt an altitude of about 2000 - 6000 feet, the Cumulus are one of the most common with flat bases and fluffy cotton wool cauliflower like tops that grow vertically. Cumulus are formed by a convection of air pushing a thermal of hot air upwards, as it rises it cools, expands and the water vapour condenses into tiny cloud droplets. If these clouds don't have too much vertical growth, fair weather is ahead. However, these benign looking clouds can develop into the more ominous Congestus Cumulus, which can then grow on into the awesome Cumulonimbus. 

Cumulonimbus Cloud - the King of Clouds

This gigantic cloud is responsible for most types of 
extreme weather, such as thunder storms, heavy rain, hail, snow and tornados. These dense clouds can tower up to 10 miles in height, when a cumulonimbus reaches the troposphere the high winds flatten the top which creates an anvil shape. These clouds can been seen in groups or alone and are most common in tropical or temperate regions. Cumulonimbus can hold up to half a million tons of water. They can grow to form a Supercell Cloudwhich has the potential to be the most severe of thunderstorms - the photo below is of a Supercell, very scary!

Low Clouds

Looking at Rainy Clouds

StratocumulusThese grey lumpy clouds look like flattened cumulus and they appear in either horizontal layers of patches, rows or masses. They can produce limited drizzle and a little light rain, and can cover the whole sky for many hundreds of miles. These clouds are responsible for bringing a winter gloom that hangs around for days.

Nicholas T at Flickr

Nimbostratus - the Rain CloudCovering the whole sky in a grey blanket, nimbostratus most commonly produce persistent moderate to heavy rain or snow. If you want to find out about how rain happens, visit my page "Rain! Glorious Rain!" to learn more. 

Stratus Cloud - the Drizzly Cloud.When a large air mass cools at the same time, this creates a stratus Cloud. These clouds are a featureless grey mass, horizontal and the lowest forming. Stratus are fog or mist at ground level, the highest it can reach is 6,500 feet when it becomes a "cloudy day".

Low Clouds over a Rain Forest at Twilight. Buy at Allposters.com

Middle Clouds

  Altostratus Cloud by de:Benutzer:LivingShadow at Wikimedia

Altostratus - the boring cloudWhen the Stratus clouds rise about 6500 feet it becomes the Altostratus. This flat mass belongs to the middle level of clouds, the thicker the cloud becomes the greyer it gets.AltocumulusIf there is a humid morning, you may see these grayish, puffy clouds which often precede a thunder storm. They can look like parrallel bands or rolling masses.

Altocumulus Cloud by Tea, two sugars at Flickr

High Level Clouds

Clouds Formed From Ice Crystals

CirrocumulusWhen you see these pretty puffy clouds sailing high, fair weather is forecast for tomorrow. These are seen in rows and form patterns like popcorn, cirrocumulus can also form a pattern termed "mackerel sky" due to the fish scale effect they produce. Cirrostratus can mean rain or snow within the next day.

Cirrocumulus by globevisions at Flickr

Cirrus CloudsThese are the highest clouds at 16,500 to 45,000 feet and are composed of tiny ice particles. They make wonderful wispy shapes due to the 100 - 150 mph fluctuating winds at that height. Cirrus mean fair weather ahead and are nicknamed "mare's tails".

Cirrus Clouds against a Deep Blue Evening Sky.
Buy at Allposters.com

ContrailsContrails are artificial clouds made from ice particles produced from the aerosals from aircraft exhaust. They are produced in very cold temperatures at -40 degrees and at high altitudes of 26,000 feet. This picture is the contrail from a missile launch.

Contrails of a Missile Launch at Sunset. Buy at Allposters.com

Strange Clouds....

Have You Seen Any Of These Weird Clouds?

Asperatus Undulatus Cloud by Agathman at Wikimedia Commons
 Undulatus Asperatus Cloud

This surreal looking cloud is a new discovery, the first since 1951! This has been put forward for official classification by the founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society, Gavin Pretor-Pinney. It looks scary, but these clouds generally follow after a storm rather than become one. The wave affect comes from turbulent differing air masses pushing cloud into shapes like rough waves on the sea. I have been lucky enough to see one of these, read more about this special cloud here:  A Guide to the Undulatus Asperatus

Morning Glory Cloud

This is a roll cloud which can reach 1000 km long and 1-2km high, this rare cloud is found in North Australia in the Gulf Carpentaria. The Morning Glory is accompanied by short squalls of wind, the air at the front of the roll pushes up, with the air at the rear of the cloud sinks. Because of this "cloud surfers", glider pilots can ride these clouds like waves.

Morning Glory Cloud by Mick Petroff at Wikimedia commons

The UFO CloudThis is an Altocumulus Lenticularis, a rare lens-shaped cloud that forms when moist air flows over mountains. Read more about this majestic cloud here: Clouds That Look Like UFOs: Altocumulus Lenticularis Cloud

Lenticular Cloud by Rootmeansquare at Wikimedia commons

The Nacreous CloudThis cloud occurs in the polar regions during winter at a very high altitude of 15,000 to 25,000 metres. They form at low temperatures and although beautiful they contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer. These clouds convert benign chlorine in the atmosphere into a destructive form and also by removing the nitrogen compounds that help prevent the chlorine becoming reactive. These clouds are becoming more common in the polar regions, particularly the Artic. Read more about this cloud formation here: A Guide to Rare Nacreous Clouds.

Polar stratospheric cloud over Asker, Norway by Mathiasm at Wikimedia

Mammatus CloudsMammatus comes from the Latin, meaning "mammary" because of their bosomy shape! Mammatus clouds look like portents of scary weather, but they are actually harmless. Mammatus form of often on the underside of an anvil cumulonimbus cloud, after the storm has passed. The ice crystals at the top of the anvil start to sink as they become heavier than the surrounding air. The base of a cloud is flat because all moisture evaporates at that level, but the ice crystals they are still too large to melt, so they sink further - and this creates the mammatus pockets.

Clouds by Christina Rossetti

1830 -1894, English Poet

White sheep, white sheep,On a blue hill,When the wind stops,You all stand still.When the wind blows,You walk away slow.White sheep, white sheep,Where do you go?

Cloud Surfing

morning glorious (Morning Glory wave cloud surfing - hang glider)

by bolive | video info



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